Archive for Owls

Always stay unique! (Is that even possible?)

Posted in Coffee, connoisseur, Matching, music, Owls, roasting, unique with tags , , , , , , , , , on January 17, 2008 by howsoonis08

Hi everyone! This go around is going to look at extremely interesting ways of playing instruments, and matching it with unique ways people are home roasting their coffee! Although many would argue that regardless of how well these new takes on old idea are, if they are not done classically it’s not done right, but that’s not what I’m going to be doing here. Classics are classics for a reason, but isn’t it fun spice things up and take on a new perspective? Videos are always enjoyable to look at, so lets get down to business and check out some crazy instrument playing!

This is Andy McKee! He is an American guitarist who has developed a rarely seen style of playing. Just recently, largely due to the enormous reaction his video got on youtube, Andy has sky rocketed in popularity; he definitely deserves it!  If you like guitar playing like this, make sure you check out anything by Owls, Make believe, or Ghosts and Vodka.

This is a video of someone performing a Steve Reich composition. Steve Reich was a pioneer in minimalist music composure. Steve’s music is filled with repetitive figures, slow harmonic rhythm and canons, and make for a very interesting take on the use of instruments and the use of tape loops. If your interested, definitely check him out! click here to broaden your minimalist palette!

Now onto to the coffee aspect! There is a very great emphasis that needs to be presented on how important roasting coffee is when it comes to creating a savory cup of coffee! What is desired from the roasting process is the flavorful oils that are emitted during the roasting. The bean looses moisture, protein, caffeine, and certain other chemicals, and the sugars are burned which give the beans the brown color! Home roasting is becoming more and more popular because of the fact that the coffee beans loose flavor with each ticking hour that goes by after the roasting process; though some prefer to wait 24 hours before making their first cup. Take a look see at wacky ways of home roasting!

Let us get started by first saying hello!

Posted in atmosphere, Coffee, connoisseur, Matching, music, Owls, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , on January 15, 2008 by howsoonis08

What does this —–> turkish coffee

And This —–> Owls [Self Titled]

Have in common?? Well… they are both very interesting… and each involve individual taste! I would like to thank you for visiting my blog, and hope that you are compelled to visit again! What I’m going to attempt to do, as often as possible, is match music with coffee.

In the same way that I select my music (mood, atmosphere, etc…), I also select my coffee. I start to select brews of coffee based on factors such as: what time of day it is, how I’m feeling, time constraints, etc… So… just like a wine connoisseur will match particular foods with wine, I’m going to attempt to match particular kinds of coffee with particular artists or genres of music.

So lets get right to it! Above I’ve selected a traditional Turkish coffee and matched it with the music of Owls. Lets take a closer look at both shall we? Turkish Coffee is most likely very very similar to how the earliest coffee makers made their coffee! It’s a combination of very finely ground coffee, sugar, and water boiled three times before being served. What you do is place the grounds of coffee, the sugar, and the water into a small brass jug – in that order – much like the one shown in the picture above, boil three times, and get ready to enjoy a unique, sweet, and delicious treat! I usually only drink these on occasions when I’m craving a sweet pick-me-up, and usually it’s after dinner or later in the evening.

Owls formed in 2001 from members of the screamy emo/hardcore sensation CapN’ Jazz, and disbanded in 2002… rumors attributed the lead guitarists heroin addiction as the cause for the falling out. None the less, Owls are amazing! Tim Kinsella’s off kilter voice will pound you like a seal clubbing mad man, Victor Villarreal’s spinning, undulating, puzzle of guitar playing will leave you in a mess on the floor, and Mike Kinsella’s intense and complex drum patterns is nothing short of extraordinary! I’ve matched this up with Turkish coffee because you can achieve the same unique experience in both situations!

Please try both! Make or buy a Turkish coffee, and listen to Owls, you will not be disappointed!